
This weekend I'm looking at...

:this really cute and inventive hanky.

:a coke commercial that show you to live life to the fullest.

:wishing this is the type of weather i was in... and able to take a deep breath without shivering.

:would you wear this? i don't know if i would...

:how life is so tricky and it can change ever so quickly.

:dreaming of far away places... like Venice and Amsterdam and Australia and... so many more...

:looking at this lovely blog and smiling

:scared to go out to dinner after seeing this list!

:thinking this awesomely cool rockstar blogger and her hubby should choose option B... i like B better than A! just sayin'...

:checking out others secrets... and wondering if i personally know anyone who sent in their secret... is it YOU?

:falling in luv with this new etsy shop and blog i just found thru this fabulously gay blogger

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